Railyatri has been providing various offers on Train ticket booking, Bus ticket booking and now they are providing an offer on booking a Outstation ride in the cabs where the user will get flat Rs.250 off on their Outstation ride. Plan your long distance travel now and make use of the offer to save more.
How to get flat Rs.250 on your Outstation ride at Railyatri? :
1 . Start booking your cab
2 . Select From, To, Pickup date and time and click Check options
3 . You will see the cars and it’s fares and select the car you prefer
4 . Enter your address to pickup, contact details and proceed to pay
5 . Apply the promo code “
RIDE250” and you will see a success message
6 . Make the payment with the available options
7 . Done !! Enjoy your ride.